Kurze, kontrollierte Feuerstöße!
Oooooh, "Aliens" in neuer 35mm-Kopie auf der großen Leinwand. Mjam. Die Vorankündigung auf der Website des Kinos sagte:
"In 1986 - with $380,000,000 less than it took to make AVATAR - a young buck named James Cameron forever altered sci-fi blockbusters with the most incredible slam-bashing interstellar kamikaze creature epic that would ever hit the screens. Where Ridley Scott's 1979 masterpiece ALIEN had set audiences ablaze with creeping terrors and carefully placed shocks, its sequel was clearly a product of the explosive, sweat-soaked, louder-than-hell '80s, and tore through its viewers like a shrieking chestburster."
Definitiv immer noch einer meiner Lieblingsfilme und ein echtes Meisterwerk des Genres.
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