Hmmmm, Kent Hovind, mein liebster Kreationist und leider sein eigener schlimmster Feind. Man kann ihn prima beleidigen, indem man ihm seine eigenen Zitate vorspielt:
CALLER: Any scientist would completely disagree with being able to sum up what science is in one sentence.
HOVIND: Three dictionaries I have in front of me sum it up in one sentence.
CALLER: A dictionary has to define something in one sentence that doesn't mean it is the complete definition of the word.
HOVIND: You know how lawyers will say things in ten thousand words just to make it confusing? I think you're wanting to define science in ten thousand words just so you can somehow make evolution part of it. [...] Explain to me how an amoeba turned to a blue whale over three billion years. [...]
CALLER: Wow. That would take the next three or four months of your entire radio program.
HOVIND: My point exactly. You would have to have months and months, many semesters of college in order for a person to be brainwashed enough to believe such a dumb idea. You have to go to school for years to be that dumb.
Truth Radio 31 August 2006 @ 55:00 (Tape 2)
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